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Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only.

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Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Empty Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only.

Post  duracelleur Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:13 pm

M.U.G.E.N 1.1 out, PNG24 finally supported with real transparency effects and no color limits, time to launch my new screenpack dockyard.

Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Mugen001

So what's kept :
Sounds and graphics (logo, style, typo, etc.) from Mugen Multiverse 1.0 keeping this retro style I'm liking so much.

The brain killer select screen style combining slots & unlimited space.
** How does this work? : 364 slots for characters you want to show with mini portraits,
if you go to the left/right you'll have all the other characters under the category selected.

Custom portraits still good (hope to see animated portraits feature one day....)
1300+ custom portraits available :
(Thanks to -Zox- and OEB for their contributions)
Portrait PSD Template :

So what's done/new :
Everything scaled to 720p : option, title, select, versus, etc. screens adapted.
Lifebars revamped from scratch inspired by the old low-res ones by Doorhenge.
New sffv2 "Badaboom" font.
New simplified intro and victory screen (at last but disable by default...).


UPDATE 14-06-04 :
Frequently Asked Questions :

Preview video (some fonts outdated) :
M.U.G.E.N Multiverse - MUGEN 1.1b Screenpack by Duracelleur - 720p Edition - Demo 14.01.20



Last edited by duracelleur on Mon Jan 04, 2016 4:34 pm; edited 3 times in total

Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Sig2

Posts : 29
Join date : 2011-11-04
Age : 43
Location : France

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Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Empty Re: Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only.

Post  duracelleur Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:22 pm

UPDATE 14-02-23 :

Stages previews (90 stages) and no categories 542 slots (by request).

Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. MM-CGOF-01

Grab archives with "-NoCAT" or "-StagesPreviews"
Check first post for the link.

Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Sig2

Posts : 29
Join date : 2011-11-04
Age : 43
Location : France

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Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Empty Re: Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only.

Post  duracelleur Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:56 pm

UPDATE 14.10.26 :
Just made a bunch of new custom portraits.
1111 for now.
Check first post for the link.

Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. MM-720-14.10.25

Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Sig2

Posts : 29
Join date : 2011-11-04
Age : 43
Location : France

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Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Empty Re: Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only.

Post  duracelleur Sun Jan 03, 2016 9:14 pm

UPDATE 16.02.03 :
190 new custom portraits. Yeah it's been a while.
1301 for now.
Check first post for the link.

Video preview :

Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. MM-720-16.01.03


Mugen Multiverse - Cross generation of fighters - 720p - 1.1 Only. Sig2

Posts : 29
Join date : 2011-11-04
Age : 43
Location : France

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