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Dream King of Fighters Roster?

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Dream King of Fighters Roster? Empty Dream King of Fighters Roster?

Post  Tazzer Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:58 pm

I just got done putting my roster together for a KOF dream match-up game. It got me to thinking... if the canon story of the KOF series was not in the way... what would be your ideal roster for the best KOF game? If you were calling the shots on the next KOF game and had your choice of character roster (regardless of story...think another dream match game)... who would you make SNK include?

This would be mine:

Dream King of Fighters Roster? Mugen006d

Kyo, Benimaru, Goro, Vice, Mature, Iori

Terry, Andy, Joe, Cheng Sinzan, Ryo, Robert, Yuri

Athena, Kensou, Bao, Vanessa, Seth, Ramon

Leona, Ralf, Whip, Yashiro, Shermie, Chris

Saisyu, Takuma, Heidern, Luise Meyrink, Foxy, Angel

Kim, Jae Hoon, Jhun, Elisabeth, Ash, Shen

Eiji, Gato, Billy Kane, Tung Fu Rue, Jubei Yamada, Chin Gentsai

Brian Battler, Lucky, Heavy D, Lee, King, Mai, Blue Mary

Chizuru, Maki

Krauser, Mr. Big, Geese, John Crawley, Goenitz, Original Zero, Igniz

*** Cheng Sinzan, Lee and John Crawley would be special appearance characters and not on any team.

So that would be mine... What would yours be?
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Dream King of Fighters Roster? Empty DREAM KING OF FIGHTERS ROSTER?

Post  bis1994 Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:01 pm

Everyone from 96 to 2003, Maximum Impact Series, and XI, XIII, including bosses, orochi versions, every costume of every character, adn some characters from other snk games like metal slug, samurai spirits, etc..   I think that this would be the best kof game ever!!cheers


Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-05-22

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