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Anyone could share the MVC3 hit effects or a char with this effects like this video?

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Anyone could share the MVC3 hit effects or a char with this effects like this video? Empty Anyone could share the MVC3 hit effects or a char with this effects like this video?

Post  ramongtg Sun May 24, 2020 11:39 am

Anyone could share the MVC3 hit effects or char with this effects like this?

I already try ask to jafar share this chars with this effects, or sell, but he never answer, so if someone have this chars that have this hitsparks or have contatct with he please share, this way i and some other people will do chars with this amazing effects

Note: I already get do the combo messages in photoshop and rip the combo sounds:

Now i need this MVC3 hit effects if someone could share will be amazing, and i will put in this project:


Posts : 6
Join date : 2020-05-24

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