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R@CE's Wips

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R@CE's Wips Empty R@CE's Wips

Post  ~R@CE AKIR@~ Tue May 12, 2020 9:27 pm

There are numerous W.I.Ps. that I've been working on and the most recent really got me excited to do. Along with the help of Skeletor EX, I've decided that I'm going to try to convert every Fighter's History character into the Pots/Infinite gameplay style, along with some of older characters and Wips as well (The TMNT Tournament Fighter Characters) That's right, I'm back & you heard right, I'm actually going to finally release the last two turtles that people have been wanting for years as well as convert them all into the Pots/Infinite gameplay style.

My reason? I love old school characters and trying my hand at updating them to today's standards.

Why Fighter's History characters? Well it first started out with Jean Pierre, as I told Infinite and Skeletor EX that I would one day make him because he was my main in Fighters History. Then Skeletor EX suggested Zazie, and so then I made the decision to keep going and to also update the Turtles.

So here are some screenshots for you guys to look at what I've done so far with Jean Pierre, Zazie, & etc. Usually I would've made a video but I plan on getting all of their sprites eventually redone by Dampir to make them look more CVS-ish or rather in his art style.

Also if anyone of you would be willing to make Lvl3 style portraits as you see below (Not that good at making them) then please let me know so I can let you know who all I need some for and you of course will be credited. Thank you and I hope you all enjoy

Fighter's History Characters

TMNT Tournament Fighters Characters

World Heroes Characters

R@CE's Wips Akirasignature2

Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-11-03

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R@CE's Wips Empty Re: R@CE's Wips

Post  ~R@CE AKIR@~ Sat May 23, 2020 12:13 am

A sample of Samchay's Lvl 3 : Seuxdaw (Leopard) Power Kick
R@CE's Wips NsPlRoU

R@CE's Wips Re4kcI4

R@CE's Wips Akirasignature2

Posts : 22
Join date : 2011-11-03

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R@CE's Wips Empty raises sun glasses. BOWER LEVEL INCREASE!!!!!

Post  krunkest404 Wed May 27, 2020 2:35 am

MR 45 AKA FO feezy DROPPING them gems and as usually they gonna be fire!!


Posts : 17
Join date : 2012-06-22

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