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Reques for Duracellur

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Reques for Duracellur Empty Reques for Duracellur

Post  Mike77154 Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:40 pm

Hi, Mi name is Micky and sorry for the requesting without been time in here

I Make CPS2 Music if you want but, to the point

Please, Can you make Mai Shiranui, Geese Howard, Andy Bogard (SFA Infinite Sprite Style), Joe Higashi, Yamazaki or Cheng sinzan all these in Real Bout Special sprite style or some style similar to SFA Please?

That character that you want

Thanking In advice: Mike
P.D: Duracellur, Can I Use and edit all your maked Real Bout Fatal Fury and Kof maked chars for a winmugen project please



Posts : 2
Join date : 2013-09-13

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