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SPIDER-MAN [Ben Reilly] 2x1 [Update 2023]

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SPIDER-MAN [Ben Reilly] 2x1 [Update 2023] Empty SPIDER-MAN [Ben Reilly] 2x1 [Update 2023]

Post  Doom78 Wed Feb 08, 2023 11:53 pm

Hello everyone!! cheers

This is just a Spider-Man update ...  I love you I love you I love you

SPIDER-MAN [Ben Reilly] 2x1 [Update 2023] 020aee_3938a3345ab8401bb44d3c822fe28c4a~mv2

What has changed?? Minor things were modified, but the most important thing is that a bug that it had has been fixed, and new palettes were added, courtesy of YOLOMATE... cyclops

In the link you can find two versions of it, that is, the same sprites with different gameplay. The JLTF2 version is designed to be used in ZVitor's "Justice League Task Force 2" game... What a Face

Download SPIDER-MAN [Ben Reilly] by DOOM, SPIDERBAT & SERYYVOLK here: Twisted Evil


A special thanks to ANIMARAZ for their valuable collaboration in this release... Very Happy
Also many thanks to BASARA-KUN for helping to fix some bugs, and to YOLOMATE for the extra palettes that were added in the update. Razz
Of course... a big thank you to LEXMAN for editing the video!!  bounce

Arrow  Arrow  Arrow lol!


Posts : 6
Join date : 2020-05-14

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