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Reptile [MK] Doom Version

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Reptile [MK] Doom Version Empty Reptile [MK] Doom Version

Post  Doom78 Sat Jul 11, 2020 4:22 pm

Reptile by SeryyVolk, with help Animaraz, based on the work of Chuchoryu

Hi all!! Razz

Today I want to share a character that I have comissioned to some friends. It is my own version of Reptile.

First I want to thank Chuchoryu for the basis of this work. We have not asked him for permission to edit or publish this edition, because I know he will have no problem with this.

Second, a big thanks to my friends SeryyVolk and Animaraz, who are the creators of this version. SeryyVolk did most of it and Animaraz basically took care of the get hits, edited some sprites and added the missing ones for better compatibility. He also added some sounds.

Finally, thanks to MatreroG for making the video and to Yolomate for the palette that I have shown in this post and it is included in the char.

Reptile [MK] Doom Version 33mcb10


It has many changes. It is worth a try. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. We will consider your suggestions for future updates.

I love you I love you I love you


Posts : 6
Join date : 2020-05-14

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