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Blaze Fielding (POTS/DivineWolf Style) by Rhythmness & gui0007

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Blaze Fielding (POTS/DivineWolf Style) by Rhythmness & gui0007 Empty Blaze Fielding (POTS/DivineWolf Style) by Rhythmness & gui0007

Post  gui0007 Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:22 pm



The powerful brawler and waifu from Streets of Rage franchise finally gains a proper version in POTS Style! Here's Blaze Fielding by Rhythmical/Rhythmness and me.

Rhyth started on Blaze but decided to stop and provide a Beta version cause Rhyth now is working on other stuff. So i decided to continue with her, doing the necessary additions, fixes and tweaks. Even that Rhyth wanted to add some more stuff on Blaze, i can say that now she's complete, playable and i hope you all enjoy to play with her. Smile

All details and movelist in the "Read me!.txt" and of course feedbacks are very welcome.
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