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My first character

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My first character Empty My first character

Post  Gray Shuma Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:08 pm

Hi there people!

My first character Z_bmp11

So I've been a member of this forum for a couple of years now, but apart from downloading everything I could get my mouse on, I never contributed on anything. That's why a couple of weeks back I decided to try my hand at creating a char.
It's name is "Codename: R" an edit of the character Whip from the Kof series.
She's still very early. Some moves are unfinished or even non-enexistent, some animations are still quite stiff, and she hasn't learned how to speak yet, but I've done the best I can with what I managed to learn thus far.
I figured posting her here might be a good idea to get help, ideas or criticism.
Please, give her a try at your earliest convinience.


She's has a 3 button layout(a,b,c) with the x,y,z used for the 'Hunter Tools' move, a launcher(6c) and otg and wall bounce attacks for combo potential ('gunshot: cobalt' 236a and heavy 'demon tail' 214c).
Very Happy
Gray Shuma
Gray Shuma

Posts : 4
Join date : 2012-06-08
Location : Somewhere in the near future

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