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Mvc-ish Patch for Jedah

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Mvc-ish Patch for Jedah Empty Mvc-ish Patch for Jedah

Post  -Whiplash- Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:19 am

Hey guys, a couple of you might've noticed I was asking some coding questions recently and this is why. I wanted to have a jedah in MVC style (no, KONG's doesn't count) so I resolved to make my own, however, having very little knowledge I decided to just make a patch on the best Jedah I know: Baby bonnie hood's and Deuce's. So, here it is, most of the code is taken from other people's works, but it should run without much of a problem.

I've put my Readme in the following spoiler tags. PLEASE READ IT BEFORE COMMENTING saying something like " you stole a bunch of code!" I KNOW I DID, this has been a great learning experience for me actually, I may try to learn more code from this and see where it goes, also, if anyone knows how to fix/or do something I listed I couldn't do in the readme or some effects I forgot, please tell me.



Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-11-13
Age : 32
Location : Nova Scotia, Canada

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Mvc-ish Patch for Jedah Empty Re: Mvc-ish Patch for Jedah

Post  boryema Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:58 am

so....screenshots would be nice or maybe a video

Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-11-20
Location : xbox live

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