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Violent Ryo

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Violent Ryo Empty Violent Ryo

Post  DEMONKAI Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:30 pm

Whats up Infinite warriors. I havent forgotten about the rebels here. Been all over doing things but as of late ive gotten back into coding and creating again since life has been coasty so i had to start up my Ryo version that i spoke on before. Great minds think alike so take it from there when you do get to try him out...

Im working on different custom stances of my own. The way they are coded will be subjected to change but thats another story. 3 different stances is my goal. certain things you see wont stay the same.

some action...Im oldschool so certain sounds n such will reflect that...just like terry he will be dramatic and intense. He will have a particular combo system on the ground for tight juggling and of course just like my terry he can take you for a ride in the air.

That intro music you here is something special im trying to put together only when he faces certain characters.

-KAI Twisted Evil

Posts : 32
Join date : 2011-12-13
Location : Brooklyn NY....

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Violent Ryo Empty Re: Violent Ryo

Post  DEMONKAI Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:51 pm

First shadow EX move created (still being tweaked though)

Im moving pretty fast with him folks. in some time ill put a slight pause on him and jump back to Terry to try and rap that Awakened Terry V3 project up...hopefully i get to release both at the same time

Posts : 32
Join date : 2011-12-13
Location : Brooklyn NY....

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